How to Clean and Maintain Your Shower Tile Installation for a Long Lasting Look
Cleaning your bathroom requires that you do so two to three times a week. It’s important to keep an eye on your tile floors for signs of dirt or grime. When it’s time to clean your tile floors, be sure to call an expert for the proper technique for shower tile cleaning. These are some techniques to clean your shower tile installation floors for a long-lasting look, no matter what material they’re made of.
Use a Squeegee
You can cut down on the amount of time you spend scrubbing tough stains by using a squeegee every time you take a shower. Run the squeegee along the tile to get rid of any extra water after your shower. Combine this with a daily vinegar/water cleaning solution or a basic shower cleaner solution to give further upkeep.
Clean the Grout Weekly With Baking Soda or Vinegar
Weekly cleaning of your shower tile with baking soda and vinegar helps to get rid of any bacteria, mold, or stink that may have built up inside the shower grout. Spray the mixture onto the shower grout after first mixing equal amounts of white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. After letting the tiles soak for a short while, scrub them with a stiff brush or an old toothbrush.
Change the Products You Use
Your shower’s glycerine soap residue hardens and transforms into a tough mineral deposit. In the grout spaces between tiles, mold, and mildew thrive and feed on this soap scum, resulting in an unsightly orange or pink discoloration. Use body washes or soaps that are manufactured with naturally derived substances rather than a lot of chemicals. Swapping out your shower products may help keep your shower tile clean It will be better for your health and the shower tile and grout if you replace the natural alternatives.
It is important to follow these techniques from professionals to achieve a shower Tile and grout for a long-lasting look.
Companies like Tuscany Tile Design Studio are the ones that you can trust for an affordable shower tile installation service in the area. We’re known in all Port Charlotte, FL for the quality services that we’re offering at affordable prices. For inquiries, don’t hesitate to call us at (941) 828-1337!